The Ridiculously Simple Way to Create SALES, SATISFACTION, and Success
in 2025

on-Demand 2-Part WEBINAR
Imagine Increasing Your Sales Comfortably, Authentically - and with Integrity!

What stops you from making sales?
Do you secretly feel that making offers is pushy and spammy?
Are you unsure how and when to make an offer?

You are not alone.

It's a common challenge that many entrepreneurs face - the disheartening feeling of not knowing how to start conversations and engage in a way that is captivating to your audience so they want to say YES to your offers.

This lack of success is confidence-draining and can leave you wondering, "How will I ever achieve my sales goals?"

Are you now ready to transform this frustration into your financial success?

Register for the upcoming 2-Part Webinar now and get the the key that unlocks the secret to making effortless sales.

I was struggling when I met Stacey and I was about to give up on my business. She gave me the tools to continue with my business and to help me grow. I grew as a person and my business continues to grow. I have attracted many great people into my life and Stacey taught me how. I am living the life I choose now and love every minute. She is truly an inspiration to me! I am so blessed and grateful!!!

Monika Greczek

I want to thank Stacey for her wealth of information. This is the first time I have not been afraid to invite someone to an event and it's been so easy! In my early network marketing days, I used to use spammy tactics and the coaches would just say 'push past your fear, who cares if they think you're slimey.' I cared! I felt like scum. Anyhow, all that to say I had the easiest time getting people to sign up. Woohoo!


Shout out to Stacey Hall who is a phenomenal coach, she is authentic and brilliant at the art of sales and marketing in a way that is aligned in spirit and lets you act like a human being. I was looking to build my confidence in my sales conversations so I can be more effective at making offers and closing sales. What I discovered during my time with Stacey was she over delivered and supported me more than I had expected during this training and has completely revamped my sales conversation. This has built my confidence and has led to more sales in my business.



I've been in your shoes, facing these challenges head-on. It wasn't until I reached my breaking point that I unearthed a profound truth – sales strategies, as conventionally taught, turn entrepreneurs into 'pushy and spammy product-pushers' who potential prospects want to avoid!

And the solution, though unexpected, was both liberating and finally made a difference.

What’s Been Creating Lack of sales in Your Business?


The root of the issue is clear: traditional sales strategies tell us we must get out of our comfort zone in order to treat prospects like targets...and no one wants to feel they are 'targeted' so they don't engage with us.

No engagement = no sales! Right? Right!

Instead, what most people want are soul-satisfying authentically-aligned relationships. And they will say YES to offers when they feel this alignment.

Without this alignment, entrepreneurs will face these challenges:

  • Lack of clarity & direction

  • Lack of passion & purpose 

  • Lack of support & encouragement 

  • Lack of validation & acknowledgement 

  • Lack of certainty & confidence

  • Lack of consistency 

  • Lack of time management

  • Lack of valuable content 

  • Lack of engagement

  • Lack of audience 

  • Lack of sales

"All of your 'lacks' are Simply due to
a lack of alignment...."

just IMAGINE...

Imagine a Business where you're in control of your day, confident in your decisions, and Enjoying Making Sales.

I’m here to tell you… it is possible.

Let me guide you back to alignment; the place where you stop feeling like a searchlight and instead you are a powerfully brilliant lighthouse.

You know what you stand on.

You know what you stand for.

And you are proud to let your light shine so you can be found by your ideal audience who are ready to buy from you.

Stacey Hall

Bestselling Author, Speaker, TEDx Presenter, & Coach

With her Alignment Technique my conversation rates went up to 90% from 10-15%. I hit my goal for the number of enrollments in my course.
It is unbelievable how easy it is to close a sale now. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Stacey.


Stacey Hall helped me to become clear on branding, new opportunities and timing for new projects. I am delighted I invested in Stacey's services. It has resulted in a fresh new perspective for sales. As a life-time learner and thought leader in energy and tech sales, I have enjoyed the ease and flow of Stacey's innovative approach. I highly recommend Stacey. Invest in her services and you will be amazed.

Jackie Lyles

Salespeople often feel under-valued, under-appreciated, and under-paid. The antidote to all these feelings is Stacey's ground-breaking Alignment Marketing Formula. She discloses the secret to growing your audience and making sales in a way that feels comfortable, RIGHT, and fulfilling.



This webinar is tailored for business owners who have struggled to make sales. If that describes your experience, then you can probably relate to at least one of these common situations:

  • Desiring to align your passion with what you sell

  • Wanting to do business in an authentic way

  • Raising children while growing your business

  • Operating with integrity while creating financial prosperity and stability

  • Working full-time while striving to build a side hustle to escape the 9-to-5 grind

  • Enjoying retirement but realizing the need for extra income to sustain your lifestyle

  • Managing your business full-time, yet feeling like the to-do list never shrinks

Ready to Learn the Ridiculously Simple Way ?

Join us for this webinar, and you'll discover the unconventional approach that has people asking me, "How do you get people to say YES to you and your offers every day, Stacey?"

I'll reveal what you likely haven't considered yet—a method that involves returning to your comfort zone.

A method that transforms you from being a searchlight into a powerfully brilliant Lighthouse!

Your ideal prospects are looking for you. Let your light shine so they can find you.

Prepare to be astonished by the immense confidence, control, and tranquility you can achieve while growing your business and making more sales, all with significantly reduced stress.


What makes this webinar different from other sales training sessions?

The uniqueness of this 2-part webinar lies in its unconventional approach to ensuring alignment before selling. Unlike traditional sales training seminars and techniques that often focus solely on overcoming objections and teaching scripts, "This Ridiculously Simple Way to Create More Sales, Satisfaction and Success" addresses the deeper, often overlooked - yet essential - elements of alignment with yourself, with what you are selling, with your ideal audience, and with your messaging. When there is a lack of alignment, it is not possible to have clarity and confidence, and be consistent in growing your business.

How will this webinar address the specific challenges faced by women entrepreneurs who wear multiple hats and juggle various responsibilities in their businesses and personal lives?

Recognizing that life is unpredictable, the strategies presented will be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances. You can expect to leave the webinar with practical, actionable strategies that are designed to work for you.

What is the time commitment required to participate in this webinar?

Each of the two parts of the webinar is one-hour in length. In Part I, we will explore how to stay in alignment with yourself and what you are selling. Part II will focus on staying in alignment with your ideal audience and your messaging so they know you are the one who can solve their problems and will say YES to your offers.

If I want to contact Stacey Hall directly, how can I do that?

You are welcome to contact Stacey Hall via email at


I am forever grateful for the transformative coaching journey I experienced with Antonina L. Griffin as my mindset and manifestation coach. Her guidance and support during a dark and trying time in my life truly shifted my mindset and brought me to a place of empowerment and light.

Today, I stand as a living testament to the incredible impact Antonina’s coaching has had on my life. I have emerged from that dark period stronger, more resilient, and with a deep sense of self-belief. I am forever grateful for her unwavering dedication, her profound wisdom, and her genuine care for my success.


Eliane Jean-Claude

Quebec, Canada

When I first sought Antonina’s coaching, I was overwhelmed by negativity and a deep sense of hopelessness. I was trapped in a cycle of self-doubt and limiting beliefs, unable to see a way out. But Antonina’s compassion and insight allowed me to break free from those chains and step into a brighter future.

Antonina guided me to recognize the power of my thoughts and beliefs. She helped me understand that my mindset was the key to unlocking my potential and achieving the life I truly desired. She gently challenged my negative self-talk and replaced it with empowering affirmations and beliefs. Since working with Antonina I’ve acquired a new higher paying job and my life is going great. Thank you Coach Antonina


Tameka Grady

Chicago, IL

DISCLAIMER: The information provided on this website is for educational and informational purposes only. We make no guarantees regarding income potential or specific results. The success or income level achieved by individuals using our products, services, or techniques can vary and is dependent on various factors such as individual effort, dedication, and market conditions. We cannot and do not make any guarantees regarding your ability to achieve results or earn income with our products or services. Any examples or testimonials provided are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of results or earnings. By using our products, services, or techniques, you acknowledge that you are solely responsible for any decisions, actions, or outcomes that may result. We disclaim any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or special damages arising out of or in connection with your use of our products, services, or techniques.

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